He, seems you've got a lot on your mind. Yeah best advice is to read those art guidelines but I'll offer some words of encouragement. I'm not an artist or creator in that regard, but I am a fan of yours!
Newgrounds is very open and welcoming to Adult content and is very much on the Anti AI art side of things. Personally I don't know about upload limits etc, but no doubt you could message someone for help. Your stuff would very much be welcomed here!
I can't really comment on your other problems with stores, because again I'm not artist, just shitty to read that. Seems with many of these sites they offer wider reach and practicality but, unless you're making BIG $$$ which most people aren't, they can fuck you over in so many ways. I hope you find something that works for you.
I hope at least something I said is helpful. Read the guidelines that orbitz has linked in the other comments, I just wanted to say something nice. Hang in there, upload your stuff here, see where it leads :D Good luck!
you can read the section about AI art here https://www.newgrounds.com/wiki/help-information/terms-of-use/art-guidelines
Oh god they are anti AI thank god I will go back to uploading my works and hope I don't get flagged as one, lol, I know I doubt that it takes me time to write my descriptions and such. But thank you for thie information